Cosmic Blueprint
Have you ever had your birth chart read? Not your horoscope… but your full astrological fingerprint? A picture of what the sky looked like the moment you were born on this planet and into this life?
When I was a very small child , some distant family member gifted me a birth chart reading. What a great gift even if I didn’t appreciate it at the time, somehow I knew it was special and kept it until this day. All I could make out at that time was that they spelled my name wrong and I thought, “Is this some sort of sign? Is this how my name was spelled in ancient times?” No. It was just a typo.
I do remember reading it as I got a little bit older, and trying to make heads or tails of it, but it really felt more like reading a foreign language. I even read it again somewhere in my later teenage years, a period of my life where I really started seeing the more spiritual side of myself and the world around me. Even then, I thought that “Yes, it did describe some of my traits pretty well”, but I still didn’t quite understand and the amount of information was overwhelming.
Now, as an adult, with years of astrological curiosities behind me, I have rediscovered my birth chart. I have started to dive deeper in the readings and understandings of our cosmics. I have more experience as to how the stars play out in our lives and in our very beings. I believe in the recipe of star dust that has come to form over many years into this very unique expression of self. The biggest thing I have learned is that there is always so much more to learn!
Most recently, I hired a new friend to do my birth chart reading (later followed by a transit reading). I learned about my birth chart from a whole new perspective. She actually sat with me for almost 2 hours going over all the most important details, which didn’t even seem like enough time. And I had sooooo many questions. Like, “What does it mean when Mercury is in Gemini and specifically when Gemini is my 11th house?” I wanted each house broken down. I wanted to know what it meant when there were NO planets in a particular house. I had so many questions because I learned so much! And what I learned sparked that deep flame inside of me that hungers for more.
Good thing I have my whole life to keep learning! In the meantime, here are 10 things I learned from my birth chart reading with the eye in the sky, Saige Sanford! I recommend a reading for everyone! It is so beneficial to know yourself through and through. This knowledge of yourself can help you throughout life in decision making, goals, reflections, intentions, coping, challenges, learning, teaching, relationships with others, relationship with self, and so much more.
As you get older, your Ascendant (or Rising sign) can become more dominant. This is how you show up socially and so it is the image that others get of you. I am a Leo Rising. As I learned more about that, I giggle to myself because these traits have been apparent since my early childhood. This reminds me that my spirit is strong and I have a powerful essence, even if I am still learning myself.
My chart is very one sided. Meaning, most of my planets are on one side of my chart leaving the other half pretty barren. I wonder if this tips the scales energetically as well? Leading to my next lesson…
Most of my planets were below the horizon at my time of birth. They were in the dark. Yet, my Moon was in the light. What does this mean? Again leading to the next…
Many planets were specifically in Sagittarius (and the 5th house of creativity) when I was born, including my South Node. When there is a rare grouping of planets in one sign, this is called a Stellium, which can be powerful and may be expressed as dominant characteristics of that sign, in this case, Sagittarius.
At the precise moment of my birth, Jupiter (the planet of luck & expansion) was doing something it rarely does. It was in retrograde, bringing a slow down to the matters it rules over in my 5th house of creativity.
This year Jupiter will go retrograde again! I'll be ready!
I always thought I was very Earthy, and I am. It’s the Virgo Sun in me. I am an Earthchild for sure. Yet, people often have referred to me as a firecracker or spitfire, basically, high energy. Come to find out it's because I have 6 planets in Fire signs making me 6 parts Fire to 2 parts Earth. And then it all made sense why I love the water so much. Why I couldn’t live without the ocean. The water balances out all my fire.
You can look at what Sun and Moon sign you are! You can look at where your planets are and in which house, and even what that all means. But when another planet is squared, or opposite, or trine or in some other specific position, it can affect how the Sun or Moon show up in your life. Which leads to number 9…
You can’t look at just your Sun sign. Or read your horoscope in the paper every week. I mean you absolutely can, but that's like taking one piece of a puzzle, placing it on the table, and saying the puzzle is done. Looking at your birth chart means looking at the whole picture. Where each planet is, where the Sun and Moon are, where your nodes are, and then looking at how all of their positions relate (or affect) the others. This can take years to study and understand on your own, but luckily, there are people who make it their life’s work to understand and follow not just the stars but their intuitions. I see you, Saige!!
Last, (for the purposes of this blog) I learned that once you know and begin to understand your birth chart, it can go much deeper. A few weeks after this reading with Saige, we did a Transit Reading. I was called to book this with her because I follow her weekly astrology forecasts on Instagram and her monthly forecast on the Soulflower website. She had been talking about some big energy coming up in the next month and I was feeling it. I wanted to know how these big astrological events would affect me, based on my birth chart, specifically. This reading was amazing! It gave me insight into what was happening now in my life. It gave me real information that I could apply and put into use immediately, as well as information to help me make intentional choices with my words through the next lunar cycle! Transit Readings are the ish! Book with Saige!!
*BONUS* These astrology readings did so much more than open me up to this information, they opened me up to a deeper layer of myself. They gave me the confidence to further my research and talk more openly about astrology. Knowing ourselves deeper allows us space to make better choices built on pure intentions, set strong boundaries, and come more into alignment everyday!
You can book your BIRTH CHART reading right here at
Click Virtual Library → Alkawoke Astrology → Book with Saige
Thank you for reading! Catch you next time.
Peace, Love, & Only Good Vibes!